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  Perhaps you're thinking of applying for a job, or a promotion, and you want to know what difference the change in pay will make to you. Maybe you want to know what salary will support your intended lifestyle. The tax calculator will help you see how the government's deductions impact what...
With interviews being conducted virtually now this is a MUST READ for candidates preparing for an interview! The Perfect Video Interview – James Caan I’ve been inundated with questions about the etiquette of a fundamental part of the new normal - the video interview. Companies are using...
FAIL TO PLAN AND YOU PLAN TO FAIL!  Always spend time preparing for your interview. Before your interview find out everything you can about the company and the interview process. Establish if there will be any tests carried out and how many people will be interviewing you. Visit the...
Your CV is your opportunity to introduce yourself and speak on your behalf! The general rule is that your CV should be no more than two pages long; it should be a succinct account of your skills and experience. Bullet points are far easier for the client to read than a long explanation of...


In October 2011, new legislation came into effect to give Agency Workers in the UK equal rights to those employed directly by the hirer, after a qualifying period of 12 weeks (Agency Workers Regulations 2010). AWR states that Agency Workers are entitled to the same basic terms and conditions as...
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